GROW:groups for Adults

GROW:groups aren’t about having the right answer or who looks the smartest or holiest. GROW groups are casual, conversational, and while the conversations are meaningful and focused, the emphasis is on building relationships among the group, and learning to practice spiritual disciplines together. Some groups meet weekly for a period of time; some meet once a month; some meet for a series of sessions with additional meet-ups for hands on practice around Atlanta. AND - we also offer experiences that are stand-alone and don’t require any time commitment other than that day.

There are two kinds of GROW:groups for adults at Neighborhood Church:

  • Connect Groups: a basic frame designed to help you know more people in our community, and to gather once a week for a meal, a conversation, and general fun and support. 

  • Focus Groups: groups focused on a spiritual topic - a book, a spiritual practice, or another aspect of Christian Faith. 

GROW Groups for Spring 2025 are forming now!